adding vagrant files to allow running... was committed by dogmatic69
Thursday Oct 03
changeset -
removing some debug code https://gith... was committed by dogmatic69 04:44 PM changeset
dont email when score is low https://... was committed by dogmatic69
Monday Jul 22
changeset -
code format https://github.com/infini... was committed by dogmatic69 10:46 PM changeset
dont send mail when not active https:... was committed by dogmatic69 10:46 PM changeset
remove debug https://github.com/infin... was committed by dogmatic69 03:56 PM changeset
formatting https://github.com/infinit... was committed by dogmatic69 03:56 PM changeset
update cakephp https://github.com/inf... was committed by dogmatic69 02:08 PM changeset
code formatting and docs https://gith... was committed by dogmatic69
Tuesday Jul 16
changeset -
adjusting module markup https://githu... was committed by dogmatic69 02:01 PM changeset